Potential Carcinogens in the deposit

As is clearly stated in the Material Safety Data Sheets, located on the Documents page, crystalline silica is listed as a known carcinogen that causes silicosis. 

We do not know the extent of the crystalline silica versus amorphous silica in that deposit.  However, it is obviously a serious issue as the employees will all be in enclosed cabs while onsite due to the potential hazard.  If there is no danger, why the need to protect against it?  Do our families deserve less?

This is not a scare tactic.  Besides the possible carcinogens, there are numerous good reasons to oppose the mine.

Additional Dust

Regardless of the amount of carcinogenic material occurring in the pozzolan deposit, creating additional fugitive dust opportunities so near residential areas and the high school is a mistake.

I am sure Nevada Cement will mitigate the dust to the best of their abilities.  They are not bad people and do not have bad intentions.  It is simply not possibly to keep the dust down all the time.

We have all see how the dust kicks up at any given time here in Nevada and especially where the mine will be located.

Students outside at the high school, playing football or any other outside sport, will be subject to breathing the dust.  This is handwritten as a concern on page 89 of the Staff Report -- download in documents.

Trucks & Quality of Life

Imagine having 30 haul trucks driving in front of your house every day for the next 25 years.  Would you want to live there?  What do you think will happen to the appreciation of your house?  Could you even sell your house?

While the truck traffic will not affect much of Fernley, it is a very serious issue for the neighborhoods the trucks will drive through.

Nevada Cement wants the trucks to drive on the Preferred Access (see Map Page) because the roads are already in place and mining can begin more quickly. 

This access includes:
1.  A steep hill by the water tower which will create wear and tear on the vehicles, especially coming down the hill to the intersection of Pine and Sage.  There is currently no stop sign here.
2.  A very difficult turn from US Alt 95 onto Sage.  Nevada Cement has proposed slowing lanes that are longer than the current slowing lanes, but due to the narrowness of Sage Drive, the trucks will not be able to use the slowing lane.  Additionally, a vehicle waiting to turn left onto US Alt 95 creates a difficult turning situation.
3.  A more difficult left hand turn when turning from Sage to US Alt 95.  Just try turning left in the morning, after the high school ended for the day or at the end of any work day.  A small personal vehicle can be difficult. 
4.  Driving through current and future residential areas is a clear danger for the residents and a liability for Nevada Cement.

There are other places they could get pozzolan without dropping a strip mine in our back yard.  This is a bad idea.

Reduced Tax Revenue

In the short term, if Nevada Cement is able to create a new product, there will be a small amount of additional tax revenue.

However, as this is a 25 year mining operation, we should be looking further than the short term.

All the current home in in the area will greatly suffer as they will not appreciate.  This will lead directly to reduced tax revenue.

Homes near the mine may not be developed and sold.  If they are, they will be reduced in price, thus leading to reduced tax revenue.

The result is that while Nevada Cement may gain in the short term, in the long term, the residents of all of Fernley will suffer.

Potential Negative Stigma

If there is a problem with the mine and silicosis, Fernley will be given a stigma just like Fallon leukemia cluster. 

We do not want Fernley to be the focus of a 60 minutes show.

Here is the Mission in the Strategic Plan:
"The mission of the City of Fernley is to provide our growing dynamic community excellent municipal services to make Fernley a great place to live, work and play. Together, we enhance the desirability, safety, friendliness, aesthetics and quality of life in our City."

Allowing this mine to be established does not help accomplish this Mission.  You can download the complete Strategic Plan on the Documents page.

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